4 Most common scalp concerns

Image of Ewa Grygorowicz
Ewa Grygorowicz

Lead scientist @ Keune Lab

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Keune Hair Cosmetics
Keune Hair Cosmetics

Is your scalp itchy or are you noticing tiny white flakes of skin in your hair? You might be dealing with a scalp issue. It is scientifically proven that there is a link between the scalp health and quality of hair. For healthy hair, a healthy scalp is essential. We defined the most common scalp concerns and asked our experts in the salon and Keune Lab what might cause them and how to solve the problem.

In this article, we give advice on the following scalp concerns:

  • Dandruff

  • Oily scalp and hair

  • Sensitive scalp

  • Thinning hair or hair loss

Reading tip: the 6 most common hair concerns & solutions.

1. Dandruff

If you are experiencing dandruff, you are not alone. Half of the world’s population is affected by a flaky, and often itchy scalp.

How did I get dandruff?

Dandruff can be described as an imbalance of the scalp condition that leads to an overactive production of dead skin. The dead skin form the white flakes that are characteristic of dandruff. It is caused by abnormal high quantities of a naturally present fungus on the scalp. A healthy scalp top layer is beneficial for protection against dandruff formation as well as an effective antifungal activity.

Your solution

Products that combat the fungus and improve the integrity of the scalp top layer will effectively treat dandruff. Furthermore, it's important to reduce the itchy feeling and reach normal cell turnover.

Tip from the Keune Lab: Derma Exfoliate shampoo contains Piroctone olamine, also known as Octopirox. This organic compound is one of the most effective anti-dandruff formulas available on the market today. It literally destroys the fungal infection responsible for the flakes, leaves the scalp clean and itch-free, and prevents the formation of new dandruff.

Discover more of Keune’s anti-dandruff tips

2. Oily scalp and hair

Whether it is from normal excretion or excessive production, the perception of oily hair is that the hair becomes rapidly lubricated, sticky, is difficult to comb, and doesn't allow hairstyles to last for long.

How did I get an oily scalp and hair?

By nature, your scalp is a little lubricated. This is because the sebaceous glands are constantly delivering sebum that spreads throughout your scalp. As you comb, brush, touch your hair with your hands, and sleep on a pillow, the sebum is spread through your hair making your hair more lubricated.

Your solution

shampoo that diminishes the excessive production of sebum or limits its distribution to the hair is able to regulate lipid levels. In a normal state of the scalp, the sebum reaches normal levels within 2 or 3 days after a shampoo.

Image of model with healthy hair
3. Sensitive scalp

Just like the rest of your body, your scalp can also develop some type of sensitivity. With a sensitive scalp, you often face redness and irritation like itchiness. The sensitivity can be experienced in different ways, but it has a big impact on your well-being.

How do I get a sensitive scalp?

There are multiple reasons why your scalp can be a sensitive reaction:

  • You have an allergic reaction to a product you are using

  • Harsh chemical treatment

  • Weather factors

  • Incorrect scalp care regimen

Your solution

Use products that are developed to renew and rebalance the scalp. Most of those products also deliver healing and soothing the inflamed skin and deep hydration.

Image of man with healthy scalp
4. Thinning hair or hair lossWhy do I lose hair?

Thinning hair or hair loss can be divided into incidental hair loss and chronic hair loss. The last one has little or no possibility of restoration. The causes for this can be either a large change in the hormone balance or hereditary aspects. Incidental hair loss on the other hand can be cured. Possible causes for incidental hair loss can be:

  • Slight disturbances of the hormone balance

  • Shortage of vitamins

  • Disturbance of the metabolism

  • Damage by radiation or chemicals

Your solution

A decrease in hair loss can be realized in most cases by regular treatment. Products that restore the scalp’s natural function make the hair and scalp vital again.

Please be aware that the experts at Keune are hair specialists and no certified doctors. When you are facing severe scalp issues, we advise you to go see a doctor.

About this collaborator

Image of Ewa Grygorowicz
Ewa Grygorowicz

Lead scientist @ Keune Lab

Cosmetic chemist Ewa is always busy in the lab with developing new premium hair products for Keune. She's passionate about explaining the science behind healthy-looking hair and technologies behind products.

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