Ce nuanță să aleg pentru colorarea părului meu?
Global Education Director
Before you go to the hairdresser to color your hair, it's good to see what hair color suits you. Of course the hairdresser can always provide you with advice, but it is smart to have an idea before your appointment. The Keune hair experts give you some tips to find out what hair color looks best on you.
What hair color suits you skin tone?To answer the question: "what hair color suits me best?" you must first check what color tones suit you best. Colors are divided into warm, cold, and neutral colors. If you are a warm type, colors like red, orange, and yellow suit you well. If you are a cold type, then blue, green, and violet suit you better. If you are a neutral type, you are lucky, because then you can actually have all the colors.
Based on your skin tone, you can determine which category you fall into.
Based on your skin tone, you can determine which color category you fall into.
#1 The t-shirt testPut on a white t-shirt at home and stand in front of the mirror. If your skin shows yellow, you are better off with warm colors. If your skin is more blue/pink, cooler colors are better for you. If you tend towards the greener side, you are a neutral type.
#2 The vein testMany people can see the color of their veins at their wrists. If you have blue veins then you are a cool type. If you have green veins then you are a warm type. And if you have a combination then you are a neutral type.
#3 The jewelry testTake a look at what color jewelry you generally wear. If it's mostly gold, then you're a warm type. If you wear silver more often, then you are a cool type. If you combine gold, silver, and rose then you are generally a neutral type.
When you know what type you are, you can start looking at what color you should dye your hair. We give some examples of what you can think of per color tone.
Warm hair colors: strawberry blond, caramel, honey, amber
Cold hair colors: cool brunette, ice blonde, silver-blonde, violet red, mushroom brown
Neutral hair shades: as we said earlier, you can have almost any hair shade if you are a neutral type
Look at what kind of lifestyle you have. When you are going to dye your hair, one of the most important things to realize is that the care of your hair afterward will greatly affect its color retention. In addition, you may have a particular effect in mind. Factors such as: what do you do for work, what is your morning ritual, do you exercise a lot, all influence the advice that the hairdresser will give you on which hair color suits you best. All color treatments have different effects.
For example, if you have a managerial role and you have a sweet appearance, you may want to exude a little more authority. The hairdresser may then advise you to use a certain color technique.
For the best advice on which hair color best suits you go to one of the Keune hairdressers.
Despre colaborator
Global Education Director
Joanne este responsabilă de dezvoltarea și implementarea programelor internaționale de educație. Împreună cu echipa sa, ea formează și mentorează hairstyliștii Keune din întreaga lume.
Echipa internațională de educație cunoaște toate detaliile tehnicilor de tuns și colorare, ale coafării și ale celor mai recente tendințe în hairstyling.